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Namespace fetch

Namespace that comprises various utils (also cleans up documentation).




  • fetchAsync<T>(url: string, type: XMLHttpRequestResponseType): Promise<T>
  • Creates a promise for an asynchronous xml/http request on a given URL. If an URL is fetched successfully, the promise is resolved with the fetched data.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • url: string

      Uniform resource locator string referencing a file.

    • type: XMLHttpRequestResponseType

      Request response type.

    Returns Promise<T>

    • A promise that resolves on a parsed object if successful.


  • fetchJsonAsync<T>(url: string, transform: FetchTransform<T>, schema?: any): Promise<T>
  • Creates a promise for an asynchronous xml/http request on a given URL. If an URL is fetched successfully, the promise is resolved with a parsed JSON object. An error code and message can be caught otherwise.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • url: string

      Uniform resource locator string referencing a JSON file.

    • transform: FetchTransform<T>

      Callback to a function that transforms the fetched data into an instance of targeted type.

    • Optional schema: any

      Optional schema, that if specified, is used to validate the fetched json data.

    Returns Promise<T>

    • A promise that resolves on a parsed JSON object if successful.