Assigned eye gaze event provider. This is usually created and owned by the eye gaze data stream.
The event handler's invalidation callback. This should usually be setup by the owning renderer and invoke the same callback the renderer has been given by the canvas. This invalidation is required, when continuous rendering is not present, events might cause need for new rendering requests.
Assigned keyboard event provider. This is usually created and owned by the canvas.
Assigned mouse event provider. This is usually created and owned by the canvas.
Assigned pointer event provider. This is usually created and owned by the canvas.
Assigned touch event provider. This is usually created and owned by the canvas.
Disposes all registered handlers of all event types.
Forward pointer lock release request to the mouse event provider (if one exists).
Normalize mouse and touch event coordinates for various browsers.
Mouse, wheel, or touch event.
Whether or not to compute normalized coordinates (offsets).
Register a click event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single click event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a eye gaze binary message parsing error event handler that is to be called on update if at least a single eye gaze binary message parsing error event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a eye gaze connection status event handler that is to be called on update if at least a single eye gaze connection status event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a eye gaze data event handler that is to be called on update if at least a single eye gaze data event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Utility for registering an additional touch event handler for updates on touch events of the given type. The handler is to be called on update iff at least a single touch event of the given type has occurred since last update.
Touch event type the handler is to be associated with.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a eye gaze server message event handler that is to be called on update if at least a single eye gaze server message event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a key down event handler that is to be called on update if at least a single key down event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a key press event handler that is to be called on update if at least a single key press event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a key up event handler that is to be called on update if at least a single key up event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Utility for registering an additional keyboard event handler for updates on keyboard events of the given type. The handler is to be called on update if at least a single keyboard event of the given type has occurred since last update.
Keyboard event type the handler is to be associated with.
Handler to be called on update.
Register an mouse down event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single mouse down event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register an mouse enter event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single mouse enter event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Utility for registering an additional mouse event handler for updates on mouse events of the given type. The handler is to be called on update if at least a single mouse event of the given type has occurred since last update.
Mouse event type the handler is to be associated with.
Handler to be called on update.
Register an mouse leave event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single mouse leave event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register an mouse move event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single mouse move event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register an mouse up event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single mouse up event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register an mouse wheel event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single mouse wheel event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a pointer cancel event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single touch cancel event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a pointer down event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single touch cancel event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a pointer enter event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single touch cancel event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Utility for registering an additional pointer event handler for updates on pointer events of the given type. The handler is to be called on update iff at least a single touch event of the given type has occurred since last update.
Pointer event type the handler is to be associated with.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a pointer leave event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single touch cancel event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a pointer move event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single touch cancel event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a pointer up event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single touch cancel event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a touch cancel event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single touch cancel event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a touch end event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single touch end event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Utility for registering an additional touch event handler for updates on touch events of the given type. The handler is to be called on update iff at least a single touch event of the given type has occurred since last update.
Touch event type the handler is to be associated with.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a touch move event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single touch move event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Register a touch start event handler that is to be called on update iff at least a single touch start event has occurred since last update.
Handler to be called on update.
Forward pointer lock request to the mouse event provider (if one exists).
Triggers (by means of a helper function) invocation of all registered handler of all event types.
... Provider and event handler are explicitly separated in order to reduce the number of observables (reuse of event provider for multiple handler).